to the Agrotourism Educational Hub
located in the 500-year-old village
of Morozeni, Moldova.
Our Vision:
Situated in the heart of the ancient forests,
MORE ZEN extends
over an area of 4,900 m²,
dedicated to cultivating excellence
and innovation through
three fundamental pillars.

Care and Hospitality Training Center

Inspired by Swiss standards of excellence, our programs aim to train highly qualified professionals in care and hospitality, capable of meeting international market demands. Future beneficiaries will experience advanced pedagogy that combines theory with practice, thus preparing the new generation of leaders in the care and hospitality sectors.

A true laboratory for putting acquired knowledge into practice, our agritourism pension allows individuals and future professionals to implement their skills in real-world conditions. This project integrates sustainable agriculture, responsible tourism, and hotel management, thereby preparing our trainees for local career opportunities with the aim to raise Moldova's resilience to demographic crisis and socio-economic immigration.

Agritourism Hotel

Our commitement

The MORE ZEN Agrotourism Educational Hub in Morozeni blends technology and innovation to prepare talents in the care and hospitality industries. Begin your journey towards excellence and innovation here.

The Project has been saluted by the State of Geneva and the Service of International Solidarity of the Deparpment of International Affairs of Geneva.

Renewable Energy: Geothermal & Solar

MORE ZEN is powered by local, sustainable, and renewable energy installed by the company ENERGEO Energy & Geothermics S.r.l.

The Renewable Energy fittings are done in partnership with GENEVA EARTH RESOURCES the swiss geothermics expert and E.GEO ITALIA the Italian geothermal giant.

© 2024 MORE ZEN. All rights reserved.